Brisbane, Australia

Mon. - Fri. 8AM - 6PM

Software Patents in the United States 101

With advances in software occurring exponentially, there has been a global increase in software related inventions. Protecting such inventions is essential, especially in markets such as the United States where, in 2022, 63.5% of issued utility patents were “software-related”. Software is generally patentable subject matter…

Top 5 Spookiest Halloween Themed Patents

With Halloween around the corner, the team at Kings IP is delighted to present a selection of intriguing Halloween-themed patents. From surprise packages to pet costumes, these patents showcase invention with a touch of spookiness.    Australian Patent AU4271999A Package surprise designed to contain objects The invention…

How Long Do Trade Marks Last For?

Trade marks are some of the most important pieces of intellectual property you can own. Each trade mark represents a significant investment in development, goodwill and customer recognition. This makes them incredibly valuable to businesses of any size. Australia’s trade mark system provides robust protection…